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Submit Compliment / Complaint

Citizen Compliments and Complaints against Police Department Employees

The Lexington Police Department welcomes your input on services provided by our personnel. Thank you for taking the time to inform us of a situation that you believe deserves our attention. We encourage both positive and negative citizen feedback to assist us in our goal of providing the best law enforcement service possible to the citizens of our community.

NOTE: Difficulties associated with electronic forms submission may be a result of your current web-browser. Please save the applicable form prior to submitting if you are experiencing difficulties.


Should you wish to compliment an employee who has provided you with outstanding service, please use this form. The commendation will be forwarded to the employee’s supervisor for review followed by placement in the personnel file.


If you have a complaint of misconduct involving a LPD employee please use this form. The most appropriate person to file a complaint is the individual experiencing or witnessing alleged police misconduct, rather than third parties. However, parents or guardians should feel free to make complaints on behalf of their juvenile children.

Full cooperation of the involved citizen is required to ensure a successful investigation.

The intentional filing of a false complaint could result in legal action against the complainant. Any intentionally false, misleading or untrue statements, accusations, or allegations made in regard to employees of the Police Department may lead to civil or criminal sanctions.

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